Bitcoin: History

Bitcoin was released in 2009, after its release hardly anyone heard of it, and when people started to hear of the word bitcoin not many of them gave it a second’s thought now millions of folks use it and some have made a virtual fortune from selling it. A story of Laszlo Hanyecz goes as he paid 10,000 bitcoins for two large papa john’s pizza in 2010, worth than a measly $30. If that guy would have held on to them he could have made at one point $100,000,000. Recently he said, “I don’t regret it, I think it’s great that I got to be part of the early history of bitcoin.”

         Now the beginning of the Bitcoin- The story starts with the name, and that name is Satoshi Nakamoto. Behind this name is a shadow, a ghost; it’s a name that conjures up conspiracy theories, that peaks(piques) and stirs our imagination. He is real and not real, a kind of Keyser Soze of the digital era. We say this because he is the guy, the specter, that put his name to the domain “” on the 18th of August,2008. He’s also the person that following that wrote a paper called, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” He hung around a couple more years, and then like that, he was gone. So, who was he really, where is he now and what are we really talking about? Because the experts out there are fairly certain there is no person called Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin. In 2012 this extremely wise guy claiming to be Mr. Nakamoto said he was a 37-year-old dude from Japan. Back then before he went missing no one really believed that and these days no one believes it. In the early days, people knew something was amiss when they saw he wrote in impeccable English. But so, what, lots of Japanese people do. But then he used British phrases and British spelling when he wrote. Lots of things didn’t seem right. The famous and sometimes infamous tech entrepreneur John McAfee says he actually knows who the Bitcoin wizard is, but he’s not telling. Still, McAfee has been known to say some outlandish things at times. Let’s now look at some possibilities regarding who Nakamoto is. Back when not many people really cared about Bitcoin some people did do a bit of investigating about this so-called Japanese creator. One of the first people to try and unmask Nakamoto was an internet-security researcher called Dan Kaminsky. He told the New Yorker in 2011 he knew one thing for sure, and that was, “He’s a world-class programmer, with a deep understanding of the C++ programming language. He understands economics, cryptography, and peer-to-peer networking.” He also said that “if this guy isn’t actually a team of guys, then he’s an absolute genius.” Many others have said no way could a man alone have done this, unless he was out-of-this-world intelligent. So, we are looking for a genius. There can’t be too many of those hiding out underground surely. They tend to float to the top of society or at least cause ripples in the rivers of the underground. That investigator went looking for other cryptography experts, because, it’s very likely that the best knew the best. But he came up with nothing in the end. Was it the Finnish tech researcher and programmer Vili Lehdonvirta? That’s highly unlikely. His name was put forth, but he didn’t even know cryptography that well and surely, he would have given up his day job at the university where he worked. What about Gavin Andersen?  He was the guy who took over Bitcoin after Nakamoto did his disappearing act. But no, no really believes that. What’s interesting, though, is that Andresen once said that he knows who Nakamoto was, and he gave the name Craig Wright. But that’s only because Wright, an Australian computer scientist, said he was. He was investigated, and a lot about his life and work and activity suggested that either he was the creator or he was really good at lying. It’s also said that he wrote some messages using cryptographic keys that were inextricably linked to blocks of Bitcoin created by the great Nakamoto. Wright even registered a US copyright Bitcoin 0.1 in April 2019, but the US copyright office said,” it doesn’t look into what it said was “a provable connection between the claimant and the pseudonymous author.” In other words, that copyright doesn’t mean much. Wright’s claim, though, was supported by others. There were further investigations, with Wired once writing that Wright “either invented bitcoin or is a brilliant hoaxer who very badly wants us to believe he did.” He has even threatened to sue people for libel who says it wasn’t him, so he takes the matter very seriously. Then in 2019, he came out with a bombshell, but something not totally unexpected. He said Nakamoto wasn’t just him, but he led a team of people. He said he was kind of principal actor. The other people involved he said were Dave Kleiman and Hal Finney. Kleinman called an avid cryptographer, isn’t alive any longer. He passed away in 2013. He was on the mailing list of this Nakamoto character, and he was skilled in the arts of building encryption-focused software. The problem is, according to the experts, the only evidence he was part of this team Wright talks about Wright’s word. Wright has been accused of making things up by some investigators. And listen to what he was written about Kleinman after he died in apparent poverty, “his body was found decomposing and surrounded by empty alcohol bottles and a loaded handgun. A bullet hole was found in his mattress, though no spent shell casing was found on the scene.” The story now turns to a darker shade of grey. It’s getting weirder, though, because allegedly Kleinman died with a massive stack of Bitcoin. People had even said it was Kleinman, and Kleinman alone, that was Nakamoto. From what we can see, though, is that his brother hasn’t released his hard drives, and they can hold some valuable information. Should we trust what this man Wright says, that’s the question? This is what says about Wright, “There is some evidence that Wright, was lurking in the shadows not long after Bitcoin got off the ground, but all that proves is that Faketoshi is a chancer who’s built a career out of riding in the slipstream of brighter stars.” That said, he was working on bitcoin from the beginning, or something like it. In an interview his wife said he was working on something he called “digital money”, and that way back. He worked on that with his friend, and his friend was Dave Kleiman. There are many things pointing to Wright telling the truth, such as hacked PDF of a legal contract between Wright and Kleiman. That contract is for trust in Seychelles, and that trust would hold a fortune of Bitcoin similar to that which Nakamoto had. Still, investigators have said that this is bogus, and neither Wright nor Nakamoto had the amount of Bitcoin in the contract. That researcher we mentioned called Dan Kaminsky has looked into the claim and he concluded that it is an “international scammer.” If confusing to you, don’t worry because the story of who Nakamoto is or was has been causing migraines and sometimes vicious debates for a long time. Now let’s have a look at this man called Hal Finney. Of all the people thought to be Nakamoto, he is certainly a big suspect. This guy Finney was said to be a pre-bitcoin cryptographic pioneer. He was a genius, and if he wasn’t the Nakamoto then the two could be said to be endowed with similar intellectual properties. As writes. “Hal Finney epitomizes Bitcoin more than any other known person.” Writing analysis experts have also said that he and Nakamoto have very similar handwriting, but they said that about Andresen, too. Some people have suggested that he was a ghostwriter for Nakamoto, not that he was the man himself. But Finney denied being Nakamoto and allowed investigators into his house. Those investigators concluded that he was indeed telling the truth, but there is no doubt Finney and Nakamoto were in contact via email a lot. Others have said if Nakamoto was trying to hide, why would Finney have been openly emailing himself. That’s if he was Nakamoto in disguise. It makes no sense because obviously, the trail leads back to Finney. Or was it some crazy double bluff? By the way, Finney was the first guy ever to receive a bitcoin transaction from Nakamoto. Unfortunately, Finney got ALS, known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and became paralyzed and then died in 2014. So, if these 3 guys weren’t all together Nakamoto, then they were all there at the beginning of Bitcoin. But the story doesn’t stop there. It gets even stranger. That’s because a man living down the street from Finney was called Dorian Nakamoto. That’s some coincidence eh. He was also a computer whizz, and like most of those that embrace cryptocurrencies, a libertarian. He was actually investigated by a Newsweek journalist in 2014, and get this, he told the journalist, “I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it. It’s been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection.” So, is that confirmation? It gets weird again, because Dorian then backtracked, saying he misunderstood the question and thought that the journalist was talking about his military work, which was classified. Then something strange happened. The real Nakamoto’s P2P Foundation account came alive for the first time in five years, and a message read, “I am not Dorian Nakamoto.” Some people though, think it was hacked. Others have said that while he might have been a systems engineer on classified government defense projects, and also a computer engineer for technology and financial information services companies, he certainly didn’t have the brains to be the real Nakamoto, not unless he hides his superior intelligence very well. Another name that pops up a lot is Nick Szabo. That’s because he certainly did have the brainpower to create something like Bitcoin. And the reason we say that is because he published a paper on something called “bit gold”, which was a theoretical decentralized digital currency. It didn’t ever really get off the ground, but it was certainly a precursor to Bitcoin. He envisioned and laid out a plan like Bitcoin before Bitcoin came out. He was a certified genius no doubt, and people investigating the riddle have said it was him, only because he’s the only one who would know how to create something like Bitcoin. One investigator wrote, “I’ve concluded there is only one person in the whole world that has the sheer breadth but also the specificity of knowledge and it is this chap.” There is also evidence on one of the blogs that he wrote about intending to invent a real-life version of his Bit Gold. But Szabo vehemently denies he is Nakamoto, even though he has admitted that if anyone in the world that he knew of could have created Bitcoin and want to create Bitcoin it would have been him, or Finney, or a guy called Wei Dai. The latter isn’t on the list of usual suspects. As for Szabo, he certainly dreamed of something like Bitcoin and has said so in interviews. So, he only has the greatest respect for Nakamoto. Still, there is not enough evidence pointing to him actually being Nakamoto. In one interview he said of his Bit Gold, “Satoshi came along and improved a number of aspects of it, made it even more trust-minimized, and actually wrote software, so that brings the story to where we are today.” He claims he has no idea who Satoshi is, though. Others have been accused of being the ghost of Bitcoin, including Elon Musk, or a Japanese mathematician called Shinichi Mochizuki, or even the creator of the dark web’s Silk Road, Ross Ulbricht, but the latter is highly unlikely and the other two have denied it. A denial doesn’t mean they didn’t do it, but there’s no convincing evidence it was them. You’ll also find conspiracy theories pointing to the US government creating Bitcoin as a black ops’ thing, perhaps to send untraceable funds for its various operations, but there is no proof of that, either. Right now, the man known as Satoshi Nakamoto is still a missing person, the Keyser Soze of cryptocurrency. Our story has all the suspects lined up against the wall, but perhaps there really is another Satoshi Nakamoto, that he’s is not a myth, but one man, a genius of a man, who has managed to keep his identity completely hidden. Because you know what they say, “The greatest trick Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Regardless of who is behind Bitcoin, it’s unfortunately been used for some nefarious purposes like being used as payment for ransomware after hacks. And it’s not just a big business and government that are targeted, but regular people too.


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